Financial Board Call


Participants: G. Testera, G. Fiorillo, J. Monroe, C. Galbiati, R. Santorelli, M. Boulay, A. Zani, M. Kuzniak, C. James

Invited guests: P. Organtini, C. Mariani, A. Caminata, G. Giovanetti, A. Hallin

Please refer to the slides posted on the indico page for what is not reported or repeated here.

  • Updates about pending grants: 

CFI DarkSide-2 proposal still pending. The answer is expected within the end of June.

MOST/MAECI joint Italy China proposal is also still pending. We do not know when the answer will arrive. The waiting time is surprisingly longer than the one of similar past proposal.

UK groups have requested and obtained new funds (J. Monroe slides) to cover expenses due to the delay in receiving electronics parts (ASIC).

NSF base grant: a review took place in mid-May. Funds are expected by the end of September. 

New 3 years grant obtained by Astrocent group (M.  Kuzniak) (salaries, travel, and some hardware / materials for the local lab.)

  • The order for pure acrylic for anode& cathode is signed (see slides)
  • Gd-PMMA

There is plan for cost sharing assuming the old quote and some communication with DonChamp (see G. Testera slides, input from G. Giovanetti). The funds include no spare material, no VAT, no precise machining.

The funds include the use of two above mentioned pending grants (CFI and MAECI/MOST)

40 kEuro, instead of the 60 k listed in the table in the G. Testera slides, may come from funds at GSSI ( Italy- PRIN project).

The need of spare material for testing purpose has been underlined (A. Zani) and it was observed that the pre-production material may be used for this.

An updated quote for the whole production should be provided together with a plan for pre-production.

Funds for machining are not allocated and a responsible Institution for this task still has to be identified. The possibility to do machining is Alberta has been raised and Aksel underlined that this is not in the original CFI scope.  The financial and human resources necessary for the machining should be quantified and this is strongly related to the finalization of technical choices about tolerances and design details.

  • Extra costs and uncovered cost

Unfunded cost of “Optical Plane structure fabrication” will be covered by NSF contingency. It is due to the use of Stainless Steel in place of Titanium

About Urania unfunded costs listed in the costbook: no news but it was communicated (Cristian) that the INFN-DOE agreement that was expected to be signed few years ago, was not signed. The amount is about 10 MEuro  DOE and INFN management are working about this critical issue. Despite of a scientific approval, the lack of signature originates troubles due to the non allocation of the funds.

  • Slow control

See also C. Mariani slides. INFN will buy WinnCC licences and hardware material (the exact list to be defined during the Coll. Meeting). The working group includes staff people from VT and INFN. Contract for people working on this item and support for a CERN expert are necessary. There are a lot of synergies with DUNE that should be used at best.

The scheme for sharing of responsibility assumes that INFN is responsible for the hardware and VT for the support for non staff people. Details should be elaborated and quantified.

  • Common funds

NO time to discuss it, a new meeting will be called

  • EVM 

Cristian describes the procedure used for NSF funds (see the documentation on indico)

Data are collected each month, a report is generated every 3 months. P. Organtini collects the data.

A discussion followed about adopting or not the same procedure for the entire project, with no decision.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.