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Your PhD Seminar team, in collaboration with the INFN@YOUNG committee, has organised a final summer event with a full day dedicated to human resource management in academia and industry, followed by an evening of food and fun!
Our speakers will be Richard Zeltner, Alexander Jantzen and Maria Rosaria Masullo.
Richard Zeltner works at Menlo Systems GmbH, supplier and developer of laser systems for quantum technologies. He will talk about the transitional skills needed during passage from academia to industry.
After his PhD, Alexander Jantzen founded a start-up Aquark Technologies which provides solutions for quantum technology applications. His talk will shed light on the differences and similarities between startups and accademia.
Last but not least, Maria Rosaria Masullo is a senior researcher at INFN in Naples, working on accelerator physics. She is also involved in many programs which aim to improve the gender balance in STEM. She will talk to us about work/life balance, also from a gender point of view.
After the event, you're all invited to join us for a social dinner in a location picked by our food expert Elena, so it's certain to be good!
Zoom link:
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