The Large Hadron Collider-beauty (LHCb) experiment has completed its initial operating period (2010-2018) and published over 650 scientific papers. Recent highlights of the physics output will be reviewed both from the core flavour physics and the wide programme beyond this. The next era is now starting for LHCb, with the Upgrade I experiment taking data in LHC Run 3. This is a major upgrade which will allow a significant increase of instantaneous luminosity and improve efficiencies and flexibility through the introduction of a fully software based trigger at 40MHz. Beyond this the collaboration is planning the Upgrade II for the 2030s, an ambitious flavour physics experiment at the HL- LHC, and a larger scale project than previously undertaken by LHCb. This will use a range of novel technological developments with many opportunities for the involvement of new collaborators in the research, design and construction activities.