Microchannel Plate Detectors: new pre-amplifiers and modules
DrTaras LOKTEV(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR)
LAE meeting room (INFN-LNL)
LAE meeting room
Using new preamplifier with start MCP detector.
Preamplifier is optimized for fast timing and counting applications with detectors that deliver pulses with ultra-fast rise times.
An output rise time of 350 ps and a non-inverting gain of 100 make the It is ideal for use with microchannel plates, microchannel-plate photomultipliers, channeltrons, silicon diodes, fast photomultiplier tubes, and electron multipliers.
The compact preamplifier case with captive power cord permits close coupling to the detector to minimize sensitivity to environmental noise.
To preserve the ultra-fast rise time, the preamp is designed to accept and
deliver signals on high-quality, 50-Ohm coaxial cables with SMA connectors and 50-Ohm terminations. The input is accoupled, with a 50-Ohm input impedance, and is protected to a maximum of 1 V.
Two identical outputs are provided for convenient, simultaneous connection to
two different instruments. Both outputs are ac-coupled, short-circuit protected,
and capable of driving pulse amplitudes from 0 to -2 V into 50-Ohm loads.
This preamplifier derives its +24-V dc power from a NIM module or power supply via the captive power cord and standard, 9-pin, D connector.
1-GHz preamplifier for timing applications with pulses from ultra-fast detectors (microchannel plates, microchannel-plate photomultipliers, channeltrons, silicon diodes, photomultipliers, and electron multipliers) 350-ps rise time Gain approx. 100 (non-inverting) 100-kHz to 1-GHz bandwidth
Two identical outputs deliver 0 to -2 V pulses on 50-Ohm loads 50-Ohm input and output impedances, ac-coupled Simplified Functional