
[Aperitivo Scientifico] First results of the XENONnT dark matter experiment

by Pietro Di Gangi (INFN Bologna)

Sala IR-1A (sala riunioni, primo piano) (DIFA Irnerio)

Sala IR-1A (sala riunioni, primo piano)

DIFA Irnerio


by Pietro Di Gangi

Please note the unusual date/time.

XENONnT is a direct detection dark matter experiment located at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In 2020 XENONnT replaced the successful XENON1T experiment, which was the world's most sensitive detector for direct dark matter searches. The detector is a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC) filled with 5.9 t of liquid xenon (LXe), surrounded by two active water Cherenkov detectors: a Muon Veto and a novel Neutron Veto whose performance will be boosted by doping the water with gadolinium. XENONnT concluded its first short science run (SR0) which allowed to test an unexpected excess observed by XENON1T in the ER channel in 2022 and, recently, to improve XENON1T's limits in the search for WIMP dark matter. As the data acquisition is ongoing for the longer XENONnT's Science Run 1, the collaboration is also working towards the next-gen LXe dark matter detector, DARWIN.

Organized by

Roberto Preghenella