May 26 – 30, 2008
Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

CALICE scintillator HCAL - response to muons and electrons

Not scheduled
Salone Teresiano (Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy)

Salone Teresiano

Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy

Strada Nuova, 65
oral presentation Simulation


Prof. David Ward (University of Cambridge)


The CALICE Collaboration

The CALICE collaboration has constructed a test beam hadron
calorimeter with 7608 scintillator tiles, individually read out by
Silicon Photo-Multipliers, and tested it in muon, electron and hadron
beams at CERN. The calibration of each cell is based on minimum
ionizing particle signals and at high amplitudes has to take into account the
non-linear response of the SiPM, due to its finite number of pixels.
The most important validation of the detector modelling
and calibration chain is the test of the calorimeter response
linearity and resolution for a large range of incident beam
energies. Electromagnetic showers are the most demanding test since
the energy deposited per single tile in an electromagnetic shower is
larger than in a hadronic shower for the same beam energy. Results of
the calorimeter response to muons and electrons are discussed and
compared to Monte Carlo simulation.

Primary author

Prof. David Ward (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials

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