One aim of the Crystal-Barrel-Experiment is to gain a detailed
knowledge on the
spectrum and the properties of baryon resonances to contribute to
a better
understanding of strong QCD in the non-perturbative regime. The
experimental setup
includes three different $\varphi$-symmetric calorimeters
covering almost the
complete solid angle. The Crystal-Barrel/TAPS detector system
together with a
polarized target and a linear or circular polarized photon-beam,
allows in addtion to
the measurement of cross sections also the measurement of
observables. Resonances up to masses of 2.5~GeV can be
In the talk the readout system of the two CsI(Tl) calorimeters
will be discussed as
well as their performance including the time-, energy-resolutions
reached and their
charge identification capabilities.\
While Crystal-Barrel-Calorimeter is presently read out with
photodiodes, the
Forward-Detector features a photomultiplier readout including an
online cluster
finder for first-level-triggering. For the future it is planned
to improve the
trigger capabilties of the Crystal-Barrel-Calorimeter, presently
included in the
second level trigger only; two options, APDs and SiPMs, will be