May 26 – 30, 2008
Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Performance of the ATLAS Forward Calorimeter

May 29, 2008, 11:10 AM
Salone Teresiano (Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy)

Salone Teresiano

Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy

Strada Nuova, 65
oral presentation LHC LHC


Louise Heelan (Carleton University)


The ATLAS forward calorimeter is a liquid argon calorimeter based on a novel tubular
electrode structure. The talk will focus on the performance of the calorimeter for
electrons and pions, based on the analysis of beam test data taken in the H6 beamline
at CERN. ATLAS requirements on the forward calorimeter performance
will be reviewed, the calorimeter design and construction will be discussed, and the
performance for electron and pions will be described.

Primary author

Presentation materials