May 26 – 30, 2008
Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Fine shashlik simulation from tests results

May 29, 2008, 5:40 PM
Salone Teresiano (Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy)

Salone Teresiano

Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy

Strada Nuova, 65
oral presentation Simulation Simulation


Mikhael Prokudin (ITEP)


We have studied the response uniformity of the LHCb electromagnetic
calorimeter modules in a beam of high energy muons. Tests of prototype
module built with thin (0.5mm) absorber and scintillator plates were
performed as well as transverse scans of an ECAL module with 50GeV electrons. To
understand the light collection uniformity a dedicated Monte Carlo program for the
the light propagation in different scintillator tiles
was developed. Parameters of this program are tuned and checked using
experimental data

Primary authors

Presentation materials