Theory Group Seminars

Modeling the strong-field dynamics of binary neutron star merger

A cura di Sebastiano Bernuzzi (PR)

INFN - Aula 250, ed. C

INFN - Aula 250, ed. C


Binary neutron star mergers (BNSM) are cosmic collisions of compact
stars associated with powerful gravitational-wave and electromagnetic
astronomical transients. Multimessenger observations of BNSMs promise
to deliver unprecedented insights on fundamental physics questions,
including constraints on extreme matter, heavy element nucleosynthesis and cosmology. 

Detailed theoretical predictions of the merger 
dynamics are crucial for extracting information from such
observations. This talk reviews recent progress on the modeling of
BNSMs using simulations in numerical general relativity. In the
first part, I will discuss predictions for the complete
(inspiral-merger-postmerger) gravitational-wave spectrum and their
application in gravitational-wave astronomy. In the second part, I
will discuss merger remnants and mass ejecta, the mechanisms behind
kilonova light. Finally, I will discuss the application of these results 

to the analyses of multimessenger events.