Daniele Roselli,
Mauro Giliberti,
Remo Garattini
27/09/2023, 10:45
- Casimir Wormholes and beyond
- Numerical Study of Bubble Dynamics in Holographic Vacuum Decay
- Quantum field corrections to the equation of state of freely streaming matter in the Friedman-Robertson-Walker space-time
Andrea Arduino,
Elia de Sabbata,
Federico Manzoni
27/09/2023, 12:10
- String Theory and Noncommutative QFT on Time-Dependent Backgrounds: a Big Bang Type Singularity
- Analytic Bootstrap in Critical O(N) Line Defect Models
- Duality and asymptotic symmetries
Alessio Fontanarossa,
Davide Morgante
27/09/2023, 16:15
- Branes Wrapped on Orbifolds and Holography
- Sporadic dualities from tensor deconfinement
Marcia Rodrigues Tenser,
Marco De Cesare,
Matteo Romoli
27/09/2023, 17:40
- Defect RG flows in 3d Chern-Simons-matter theory
- Back-reaction of scalar waves on black holes at low frequencies
- Double copy perspective on asymptotic symmetries
Carlo Heissenberg
(NORDITA and Uppsala U)
27/09/2023, 17:55
Alessandro De Santis
28/09/2023, 10:45
- Extracting hadronic spectral densities from Lattice QCD correlators
Gael Finauri,
Simone Marciano
28/09/2023, 12:10
- QCD Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes of Heavy Mesons from boosted HQET
- PDF Neutrino masses and unitarity violation from higher SU(2) representations
Alessandro Pilloni
28/09/2023, 12:25
Clara Lavinia Del Pio,
Sehar Ajmal,
Stefano Di Noi
28/09/2023, 16:15
- Phenomenology at the LHC of Composite Boson Leptoquarks from strongly interacting Standard Model fermions via four-fermion operators of NJL type
- Testing the Standard Model at high energies: the weak mixing angle
- Running effects in pp → tth production in the SMEFT
Alfredo Stanzione,
Nicola Losacco
28/09/2023, 17:40
- Low-energy constraints on top quark operators
- The relevance of Bc in testing the standard model and beyond
David Cabo Almeida,
Stefano Arcari,
Stefano Palmisano
29/09/2023, 10:45
- Radiative correction in Dark Matter models and Direct Detection
- On the verge of the dark: probing ultralight axions effects on structure formation and CMB anisotropies
- Models of Accidental Dark Matter with a Fundamental Scalar
Alessandro Granelli,
Giorgia Zagatti,
Jacopo Nava
29/09/2023, 12:10
- Low-Energy Tests of Leptogenesis Scenarios within the Type-I Seesaw Extension
- Probing Baryogenesis from Supercooled Confinement
- Searching for signatures of new physics in the CMB: constraints on cosmic birefringence
Maria Archidiacono
(Milano Statale)
29/09/2023, 12:25
Salvatore Bottaro
(Tel Aviv University)
29/09/2023, 14:30
We investigate the imprints of new long-range forces mediated by a new light scalar acting solely on dark matter. Dark fifth forces in general will modify the background evolution as well as the growth of density fluctuations. At the linear level, constraints are derived from CMB together with a full-shape analysis of the power spectrum as measured by BOSS. At the non-linear level, the...
Alessandro Camilletti,
Nicola Barbieri,
Tommaso Sassi
29/09/2023, 15:15
- Polarized CMB Boltzmann hierarchy from non-standard neutrino interactions
- Predicting and measuring black hole properties in promptly collapsed binary neutron star mergers
- Stueckelberg Complex Dark Photon DM