Seminari INFN

Historicizing the "digital tun" in Physics

A cura di Arianna Borrelli (Leuphana Universitat Luneburg)

Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica -Ed. G.Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dipartimento di Fisica -Ed. G.Marconi


Digital resources are of central importance for today's sciences, and so their diffusion from the 1950s onward may a posteriori seem a straightforward success story. However, case studies suggest that, initially, computational methods were often viewed with disinterest, or even suspicion, by working scientists. Their "success" was in no way obvious and their initial diffusion was often linked to personal initiatives, local situations, or political and economical factors. Historically investigating these developments is therefore essential to understand the dynamics of research and innovation. As part of this historical reconstruction, we intend to go on and study the birth and development of Lattice Gauge Theories in the Rome area and the contribution given to this development by the construction and success of the APE supercomputer.

Organizzato da

Mauro Papinutto