
HEP Colloquia 2022

by Dr Lorenzo Annulli (infn)

Aula C (Department of Physics)

Aula C

Department of Physics

Cagliari State University

The close-limit approximation of compact objects: black holes, horizonless bodies and future applications.

The ability to model the evolution of compact binaries from the inspiral to coalescence is central to gravitational-wave astronomy. Current waveform catalogues are built from vacuum binary black hole models, by evolving Einstein equations numerically and complementing them with knowledge from slow-motion expansions. Much less is known about the coalescence process in the presence of matter, or in theories other than general relativity. In this talk, I will show an alternative approach to model coalescing compact bodies based on perturbation theory: the Close Limit Approximation (CLAP). In this regard, the CLAP can be seen as a fast and powerful tool to understand gravitational-wave emission from highly non-linear geometries, without the need of numerical relativity tools. Notably, it also finds applications when horizon-less compact objects and surrounding scalar fields are considered.

Organised by

Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Ph.D. Michela Lai -
Dr Luca Maxia -
Dr Mauro Oi -