25–27 Jun 2008
University "Sapienza", Physics Department, Building Marconi
Europe/Rome timezone

Status Report and Future Prospects on LUNASKA Lunar Observations with ATCA

26 Jun 2008, 11:30
Aula Amaldi (University "Sapienza", Physics Department, Building Marconi)

Aula Amaldi

University "Sapienza", Physics Department, Building Marconi

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2 00185 Roma Italia


Mr James Clancy (University of Adelaide)

Insert texts like: on behalf of.....

on behalf of the LUNASKA collaboration

Primary authors

Mr James Clancy (University of Adelaide) Prof. Ron Ekers (CSIRO)


Chris Phillips (CSIRO) Paul Roberts (CSIRO) Ray Protheroe (University of Adelaide) Rebecca McFadden (University of Melbourne)

Presentation materials