The EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources (EuAPS) project, led by INFN in collaboration with CNR and University of Roma "Tor Vergata", foresees the construction of a laser-driven “betatron” X Ray user facility at the LNF SPARC_LAB laboratory. EuAPS includes also the development of high power (up to 1 PW at LNS) and high repetition rate (up to 100 Hz at CNR Pisa) drive lasers for EuPRAXIA. EuAPS has received a financial support of 22.3 MEuro from the PNRR plan on “creation of a new RI among those listed in NPRI with medium or high priority” and has received the highest score for the action 3.1.1 of the ESFRI area “Physical Sciences and Engineering”.