Cavities and Quantum Technologies for Gravitational Waves: Session 1
- Roni Harnik
Cavities and Quantum Technologies for Gravitational Waves: Session 2
- Sam Posen (Fermilab)
We prepare to set up a new project to detect high frequency GW, starting with the existing cavity from the MAGO collaboration, which will be used for R&D studies and for a first measurement together with Fermilab. We will present the status of the first inspection of the cavity fabricated about 15years ago. In addition, we will show our current results of our theoretical analysis of the...
At Fermilab we are working with DESY and INFN to revive the MAGO experiment. We started several activities in preparation for the arrival of the cavity onsite in order to be able to successfully cold test the cavity and successively conduct a GW search.
There are several proposed experiments to search for Dark Matter that will utilize SRF cavities submerged into liquid Helium. Extremely...