01–07 set 2023
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Quantum sensing applied to dark matter search

4 set 2023, 15:20
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

Via Guarnotta, 26 - 91016 ERICE (Sicily) - Italy The conference will take place at the San Domenico Institute in the Dirac Lecture Hall: Piazzetta S. Domenico, 1, 91016 Erice TP: ttps://goo.gl/maps/VRnvpsRqLdvj2AfE6


Quntao Zhuang (USC)


I will summarize recent proposals of applying quantum sensing technology, such as squeezing, entanglement and transduction to dark matter search. The sensing platform includes microwave cavities and optomechanical sensors.

Materiali di presentazione