Giacomo Polesello(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Nicolò Valle(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Run Giacomo's script to export flat n-tuple from a edm4hep file with official Z->uds production.
Used same (hopefully) configurations and an existing .lhe file to produce and reconstruct 1000 events (ee -> vm n1[50GeV] , n1 -> mu jj) with Pythia and Delphes
ctl config files properly refined to give the same format as the background.
Basic python script for the analysis working on both files.
Skeleton of a .C macro to loop in the output trees and freely analyze them
Variables built by python as RVec objects (never used before, but they seem easy to interpret)
... all done on lxplus with a personal installation of FCCAnalyses (but not touched [yet]).
Now/next: paying more attention at the physics...
FullSim IDEA15m
Giacomo Polesello(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Lorenzo Pezzotti(CERN)