October 31, 2023 to November 4, 2023
Europe/Athens timezone

Second-order pion-nucleus potential for scattering and photo production

Not scheduled


Viacheslav Tsaran (JGU Mainz)


Coherent pion photoproduction on nuclei is an efficient tool for studying nucleon density and determining neutron skin thickness. However, a reliable description of pion scattering and other medium effects is needed for these purposes. We build a universal model describing both pion scattering and photoproduction on spin-zero nuclei within the same framework. We develop second-order momentum space scattering and photoproduction potentials based on the Delta(1232) effective self-energy modification and nucleon two-body correlation functions. The model's parameters are determined by fitting pion-carbon scattering data and are shown to be universal. We demonstrate the importance of the charge and spin exchange corrections for nuclear pion photoproduction.

Primary author


Marc Vanderhaeghen (University Mainz)

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