2:30 PM
p K+ correlations
Fatiha Benmokhtar
(Duquesne University)
3:00 PM
Pion/Kaon and Kaon/Pions contaminations studies with RICH for ep->epiX and ep->eKX
Gabriel Pecar
(Duquesne University)
3:15 PM
Fracture Function Formalism: longitudinal target asymmetries
Aram Kotzinian
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
3:45 PM
Back-to-back pions and kaons with unpol. and lonitudinal pol. Targets
Harut Avagyan
(Jefferson Lab)
4:30 PM
Fracture functions and higher twist observables
Xuan-bo Tong
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
5:00 PM
Fracture functions in collinear approximation
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
(Université de Liège)
5:30 PM
ALU with pion-kaon dihadrons
Connor Pecar
(Duke University)
5:45 PM
Discussion and plans for the data analysis