
HEP Colloquia 2022

by Dr Francesco Pandolfi (INFN Roma)

Aula C (Department of Physics)

Aula C

Department of Physics

Cagliari State University

Search for Dark Matter with Carbon Nanotubes: the ANDROMeDa Project

Vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes offer exciting new possibilities in the design of particle detectors, because of their vanishing density in the direction of the tube axes. ANDROMeDa (Aligned Nanotube Detector for Research On MeV Darkmatter) is a three-year project started in May 2022 which has been granted a 1M€ PRIN grant, and has the aim of developing a novel detector sensitive to electron recoils induced by Dark Matter scattering within a target made of aligned nanotubes. The detector will have directional sensitivity and will be sensitive to Dark Matter with mass as low as a few MeV. The nanotubes are synthesized in the state-of-the-art facility recently established by INFN in Sapienza.

Organised by

Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Ph.D. Michela Lai -
Dr Luca Maxia -
Dr Mauro Oi -