Reconstructing generalised transverse-momentum distributions by means of generalised parton distributions and transverse-momentum distributions
In this seminar I will discuss how some generalised transverse-momentum distributions (GTMDs) can be reconstructed in terms of generalised parton distributions (GPDs) and transverse-momentum distributions (TMDs). Focusing on the operator definition of GTMDs, in the first part of the seminar I will present the computation of the one-loop corrections to the unpolarised off-forward matching functions that, under some conditions, allow one to obtain (GTMDs) in terms of (GPDs). In this context, I will discuss the treatment of UV, IR, and rapidity divergences showing that IR and rapidity divergences cancel while UV divergences need to be renormalised. I will thus derive evolution equations and extract the one-loop contribution to the relevant anomalous dimensions. In the second part of the seminar I will present some recent numerical results.By convoluting the matching functions with a phenomenological model for GPDs and exploiting state-of-the-art information of TMDs, I will reconstruct a specific family of GTMDs.This numerical analysis highlights some salient features that open the floor to further investigations.
Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Ph.D. Michela Lai -
Dr Luca Maxia -
Dr Mauro Oi -