20–22 Dec 2022
University of Turin - Department of Physics
Europe/Rome timezone

Double copy perspective on asymptotic symmetries

20 Dec 2022, 15:20
Aula Magna "Tullio Regge" (University of Turin - Department of Physics)

Aula Magna "Tullio Regge"

University of Turin - Department of Physics

Via Valperga Caluso 36
Gong-show talk Gong show


Mr Matteo Romoli (Università di Roma Tre)


The double copy (DC) correspondence provides an interesting relation between gravity and gauge theories. Strongly supported in the context of amplitudes, its Lagrangian counterpart has been partially investigated, for which the DC field is described through a convolution. Using this definition, we explore the possibility of extending the correspondence to asymptotic symmetries for the N=0 supergravity multiplet, discussing some main technical issues and proposing a possible identification of supertranslations in terms of gauge components.

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