20–22 Dec 2022
University of Turin - Department of Physics
Europe/Rome timezone

Higher symmetries of 5D orbifold SCFTs

20 Dec 2022, 16:30
Aula Magna "Tullio Regge" (University of Turin - Department of Physics)

Aula Magna "Tullio Regge"

University of Turin - Department of Physics

Via Valperga Caluso 36
Gong-show talk Gong show


Shani Nadir Meynet


Higher-form symmetries provide a powerful way to constrain the non-perturbative data of a quantum field theory. This is especially valuable in the case of d > 4 superconformal field theories since all known examples are intrinsically strongly coupled. In my short presentation, I will provide two different approaches to the computation of the Defect Group, the symmetry group acting on defects, of 5d SCFT, engineered in M-theory on orbifold Calabi-Yau threefolds. One is based on the algebraic definition of the Defect Group, the other on uses the BPS spectrum of these theories. Both computations agree and gives hints of the presence of much reacher structures in these theories.

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