20–22 Dec 2022
University of Turin - Department of Physics
Europe/Rome timezone

Towards a non-relativistic AdS/CFT duality

20 Dec 2022, 15:10
Aula Magna "Tullio Regge" (University of Turin - Department of Physics)

Aula Magna "Tullio Regge"

University of Turin - Department of Physics

Via Valperga Caluso 36
Gong-show talk Gong show


Andrea Fontanella


Taking the non-relativistic limit for strings changes the target space geometry, which becomes Newton-Cartan (non-Lorentzian). Therefore the non-relativistic AdS/CFT correspondence would be the first example of non-Lorentzian holography. In this gong-show I will summarise my recent work about understanding the string side of such correspondence.

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