Teorici Joint a Roma Tre

Lattice QCD in Flavour Physics

by Nazario Tantalo (ROMA2)

C (Universita' Roma Tre)


Universita' Roma Tre

via della Vasca Navale 84 00146 Roma
Concerning lattice approaches to quark flavour physics, there are quantities that we know how to calculate and that are currently well known. Improving the overall accuracy on these observables (decay constants, semileptonic form factors, bag parameters, etc.) requires the inclusion of effects that have been neglected up to know. Among these there are the isospin breaking corrections due to the difference between the up and down quark masses (particularly relevant in the case of Kl3 decays). I shall discuss a method to calculate isospin breaking corrections and show some preliminary results on hadron spectrum, decay constants and semileptonic form factors.