09–16 feb 2011
Dip. di Fisica -
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Registration Form

Aperto 22 dic 2010
Chiuso 30 gen 2011
Informazioni di contatto

The registration for ISOTDAQ2011 is open and it will close on January 15th. The same deadline applies for the payment of the fee via bank transfer. Bank transfer. Please make sure that your name appears in the transfer receipt (the banking charges are born by the participant). Once you have made the transfer, please send us a copy of the receipt to isotdaq-2011@roma1.infn.it. Beneficiary: Associazione Romana per le Astro-Particelle Bank name: Unicredit Banca di Roma, Ple. Aldo Moro 5, 00185, Roma IBAN: IT 90 L 03002 03371 000011607039 Swift Code: BROMITR1153 Description: ISOTDAQ2011 - First name, Family name, Institution

L'iscrizione è chiuso
Il periodo di iscrizione è scaduto.