Valerio Ippolito
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
07/07/2022, 09:00
Science, outreach, real life have in common the art and challenge of communicating with other human beings. We will ask ourselves why and to what extent our talks should be intelligible, and pursue the ambitious (and yet asymptotic) goal of transforming presentations into interactions between a speaker and an audience. After having built up some foundations on do's and don'ts - and most...
Valerio Ippolito
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
07/07/2022, 10:45
The audience will be divided into small groups and will be asked to deliver a 1-3 slide presentation on a given a topic of general knowledge. A moment of constructive criticism on each presentation will follow, highlighting strong and weak points of each presentation under the light of what was explained in the previous seminar;