05–15 giu 2023
Centro Congressi "Le Benedettine" - Pisa
Europe/Rome fuso orario

ISAPP  School 2023


Aims of the school:

To provide a cross-disciplinary overview and the main tools to work on some of the main aspects of astroparticle physics where quantum collective properties of matter play a crucial role.

The initiative of this school springs also from the experience gained in the organization of the QFC (quantum fluids, fundamental interactions and cosmology conference series )

Planned courses and Lecturers:

• Properties of matter in neutron stars and GW emission - Lecturer: Armen Sedrakian (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)

• Multimessenger observations of neutron stars - Lecturer: Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University)

• Light dark matter candidates - Lecturer: Kfir Blum (Weizmann In.)

• Light dark matter search - Lecturer: Elisa Ferreira (Tokyo Un.)

• Light dark matter around black hole and its gravitational signature - Lecturer: Paolo Pani (Roma “la Sapienza” Un.)

• Simulation of gravity and GWs in Bose-Einstein condensates - Lecturer: Ivette Fuentes Guridi (Southampton Un.)

• Classical and quantum fluids in gravitational fields -  Lecturer: Alberto Nicolis (Columbia Un.)

Organizing institutions:

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa


ISAPP is a network of over 30 European Institutions that organize Doctorate Schools on Astroparticle Physics for almost 20 years.


Bartolome Alles Salom (INFN), Ignazio Bombaci (U. Pisa),
Giancarlo Cella (INFN), Maria Luisa Chiofalo (U. Pisa), Michele Cignoni (U.
Pisa), Elena Cuoco (EGO + SNS), Scilla Degl’Innocenti (U. Pisa), Walter
Del Pozzo (U. Pisa), Nicolao Fornengo (U. Torino), Daniele Gaggero (INFN), Dario Grasso (INFN), Leonardo Gualtieri (U. Pisa), Laura Elisa Marcucci (U. Pisa), Giovanni Marozzi (U. Pisa), Paolo Panci (U. Pisa), Barbara Patricelli (U. Pisa), Josef Pradler (HEPHY Vienna), Massimiliano Razzano (U. Pisa), Enrico Trincherini (SNS), Michele Viviani (INFN)

Scientific Advisory Committee: ISAPP Steering Committee

Registration deadline: 2 April 2023


Centro Congressi "Le Benedettine" - Pisa
Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, 16, 56125 Pisa PI, Italia
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