
[Aperitivo Scientifico] Future fully depleted monolithic active sensors at INFN

by Raffaele Aaron Giampaolo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

DIFA Pichat (Aula BP-2B)

DIFA Pichat

Aula BP-2B


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Fully depleted monolithic active pixel sensors (FD-MAPS) are the future of particle and radiation detectors. Full depletion improves charge collection timing and signal to noise ratio versus power dissipated. Furthermore, a smaller material budget and less interconnections push down production costs and time.
The approach envisioned by the ARCADIA (Advanced Readout CMOS Architectures with Depleted Integrated sensor Arrays) collaboration consists in implementing the front-end electronics in a deep p-well embedded in an n-doped epitaxial layer, decreasing the sensor capacitance and effectively decoupling the substrate from the electronics. A patterned backside, with appropriate guard rings, allows the necessary high voltage to uniformly deplete the full wafer thickness. Despite the backside implants, the sensor fabrication is fully compatible with a standard CMOS production line.
The talk will present the current R&D progress and results of tests on small-scale matrices and test structures.