
A multi-tracer study of the Local Group of galaxies

by Elena Maria Rossi (Leiden Observatory)

Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica -Edificio G.Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dipartimento di Fisica -Edificio G.Marconi




The Local Group, and the Milky Way in particular is a unique laboratory to study the process
of galaxy assembly because of our vantage point. This is especially true in this era of current
and up-coming (all sky) surveys like e.g. Gaia, WEAVE, 4MOST, DASI, LSST, and Euclid, that
are delivering an unprecedented astrometric, spectroscopic and photometric view of the
Galactic stellar population. In this talk, I will review my group's work --both theoretical and
observational -- towards the understanding of the mass distribution and other properties of
the Milky Way using different dynamical tracers such as stellar streams and hypervelocity
stars. Looking at the future, I will also show my vision for Galactic studies in the LISA era,
when gravitational waves will deliver complementary information with respect to
electromagnetic waves.


Organised by

Raffaella Schneider