Paola Garosi
29/04/2011, 15:55
Dottorandi e Posters
Leonardo Di Matteo
29/04/2011, 16:05
Dottorandi e Posters
The operation and performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) during the 2010 run at the LHC, with pp collisions at √s =7 TeV will be reviewed. Pure samples of electrons and photons, mainly coming from decays of known resonances, have been exploited to improve and verify the detector calibration and stability, the reconstruction algorithms and the particle identification...
Andrea Ferretto Parodi
29/04/2011, 16:15
Dottorandi e Posters
The talk will describe the selection of samples of charm and beauty mesons, exclusively or semi-exclusively reconstructed on 7 TeV proton-proton collisions recorded in 2010.
These samples have been used for measurements of c-cbar and b-bbar production cross section and to calibrate the flavour tagging algorithms (through the selection of pure, or heavily enriched, b and c-jets samples).
Silvia Taroni
29/04/2011, 16:25
Dottorandi e Posters
Lepton charge asymmetry in inclusive pp -> WX production at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV has been measured by the CMS detector at the LHC, using 36/pb of data. These measurements, performed in both W -> e nu and W -> mu nu channels, will provide new insights into proton structure functions.
Francesco Fiori
29/04/2011, 16:35
Dottorandi e Posters
his contribution describes the measuremet of J/psi iclusive, prompt and non-prompt cross section using the dimuon channel in the CMS experiment, recently published on EPJC. The analysis is now close to be updated to 40 pb-1 data (the full 2010 statistics) with the inclusion of the psi(2S) cross section. An important contribution to the systematics for this analysis is given by the uncertainty...
Paolo Francavilla
(INFN and University of Pisa)
29/04/2011, 16:45
Dottorandi e Posters
The data collected in ATLAS at sqrt(s)=7 TeV in 2010, are being used the perform the measurement of the inclusive jet cross section. The processes studied in this measurement are the first giving a glance at the physics at the TeV scale. The presentation will focus on the measurement of the inclusive jet cross section,looking at jets in different rapidity intervals up to very forward regions,...
Antonio Tropiano
29/04/2011, 16:55
Dottorandi e Posters
Vengono presentae le sezzioni d'urto di produzione del top nel canale dileptonico e nel canale leptone+jet (con e senza richiesta di b-tagging)
Angela Romano
(University of Birmingham)
29/04/2011, 17:05
Dottorandi e Posters
The ratio of charged kaon leptonic decay rates BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K -->mu nu) is suppressed and predicted to excellent precision within the Standard Model. A precision test of lepton flavour universality by measurement of this ratio at the NA62 experiment at CERN, based on a dedicated sample collected in 2007, is reported. A record accuracy of 0.5% has been achieved. This result constrains the...
Studio della produzione di J/psi e Z in collisioni piombo--‐piombo a LHC con l'esperimento ATLAS
Camilla Maiani
29/04/2011, 17:15
Dottorandi e Posters
Using the ATLAS detector, a centrality-dependent suppression has been observed in the yield of J/psi mesons produced in the collisions of lead ions at the Large Hadron Collider. In a sample of minimum-bias lead-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre of mass energy sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 6.7 ubˆ-1, J/psi mesons are reconstructed via their...