Giorgio Chiarelli
28/04/2011, 14:10
Fisica del Modello Standard ed oltre
Michele Pioppi
(Imperial College London)
28/04/2011, 14:30
Fisica del Modello Standard ed oltre
The cascade decay of heavy supersymmetric particles is expected to produce energetic jets, missing transverse momentum and leptons. A selection of the search strategies employed in CMS are described and the results obtained with the 35/pb of data recorded in 2010 are presented.
matteo palutan
28/04/2011, 14:50
Fisica del Modello Standard ed oltre
Diego Guadagnoli
(LPT Orsay)
28/04/2011, 15:10
Fisica del Modello Standard ed oltre
Riccardo Di Sipio
(Università di Bologna)
28/04/2011, 15:30
Fisica del Modello Standard ed oltre
Top quark pair production in pp collisions has been measured at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV using 36.6 pb-1 of data recorded in 2010 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. A cut based analysis was applied to select events containing exactly one energetic charged lepton, large missing transverse energy compatible with the presence of an undetected neutrino and four jets, of which at least one...