Ivan Prado Longhi
(Università degli Studi "Roma Tre" and Sezione INFN "Roma Tre")
28/04/2011, 16:10
Dottorandi e Posters
Marco Meneghelli
28/04/2011, 16:20
Dottorandi e Posters
La ricerca di “nuova fisica”, cioè di evidenze sperimentali a supporto di teorie proposte per sanare alcuni aspetti problematici del Modello Standard, costituisce uno degli obiettivi principali dell'esperimento CMS a LHC. Alcune teorie Supersimmetriche e modelli che invocano l'esistenza di extra-dimensioni, predicono l’esistenza di particelle cariche, con masse dell'ordine del centinaio di GeV...
Alessia Manazza
(Università degli studi di Pavia)
28/04/2011, 16:30
Dottorandi e Posters
Per il progetto del Layer0 del rivelatore di vertice (Silicon Vertex Tracker, SVT) di SuperB, cioè lo strato di rivelazione più vicino al punto di interazione dei fasci, sono state proposte tre soluzioni differenti: rivelatori a striscia di ridotta lunghezza (striplets), sensori a pixel ibridi e pixel monolitici attivi (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, MAPS) in tecnologia CMOS. I rivelatori a...
Silvia Martellotti
28/04/2011, 16:40
Dottorandi e Posters
Maddalena Frosini
(INFN sez. Firenze)
28/04/2011, 16:50
Dottorandi e Posters
Despite the large experimental and theoretical efforts, the J/psi production rate and states in hadronic collisions are not yet satisfactorily understood. The comparison between the measured J/psi differential cross section with the most recent theoretical models shows a general good agreement but the cross section alone is not sufficient to discriminate between the different models proposed...
Valerio Ippolito
28/04/2011, 17:00
Dottorandi e Posters
W and Z boson production has been investigated by the ATLAS Collaboration in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. New preliminary precision measurements of the inclusive Dell-Yan cross sections based on the complete data statistics collected in 2010, corresponding to a luminosity of about 35 pb-1, are presented with particular emphasis on the muon decay channels. The accurate control...
Barbara Guerzoni
28/04/2011, 17:10
Dottorandi e Posters
The ALICE detector collected collisions at LHC at 0.9 and 7.0 TeV c.m.s. with proton-proton and at 2.76 TeV with Lead-Lead. ALICE, compared with other LHC experiments, has several detectors with Particle IDentification (PID) capabilities. Physics results involving PID will be presented both for pp and Pb-Pb interactions, with special emphasis on the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) analysis.
Pietro Biassoni
28/04/2011, 17:20
Dottorandi e Posters
Lo studio della spettroscopia del charmonio ha ricevuto importanti contributi dai risultati delle B-factories BaBar e Belle. Nell'ambito della spettroscopia del charmonio convenzionale, uno dei maggiori successi e' stata la scoperta e la misura delle proprieta' della eta_c(2S). Nonostante questo stato sia stato osservato da diversi anni, le sue caratteristiche sono ancora poco conosciute....
Gianluca Blankenburg
(Università degli studi Roma III)
28/04/2011, 17:30
Dottorandi e Posters
Recently SO(10) models with type-II see-saw dominance have been proposed as a promising framework for obtaining Grand Unification theories with approximate Tri- bimaximal (TB) mixing in the neutrino sector. We make a general study of SO(10) models with type-II see-saw dominance and show that an excellent fit can be obtained for fermion masses and mixings, also including the neutrino sector. To...
Natascia Vignaroli
28/04/2011, 17:40
Dottorandi e Posters
We performed a study of the LHC discovery reach on composite fermions (top and bottom Kaluza- Klein's) and composite gluon (KKg). We found that the KKg phenomenology is strongly dependent on the ratio between its mass and those of the heavy fermion resonances. When the KKg is below the threshold for the production of a heavy fermion, KKg decays almost completely to top pairs. Until now, this...
Ennio Salvioni
(Università di Padova)
28/04/2011, 17:50
Dottorandi e Posters
We study, within an effective approach, the phenomenology of a charged W' vector which transforms as an isosinglet under the Standard Model gauge group. We discuss bounds from present data, finding that these are quite weak for suitable choices of the right-handed quark mixing matrix. Then we study the resonant production at the early LHC of such a weakly constrained W'. We start discussing...