Leone Battista Bosi
29/04/2011, 08:30
Nuove Tecnologie
Currently, technological solutions being adopted by more manufacturers are bringing to CPU architecture with an even more degree of parallelism, evolving from the multi-core era to the "many-core" era. In this scenario hundreds and, in short, thousands of processing cores, are contained within the same processor. A so deep change in architectural paradigm compels an equally deep change in...
Lodovico Ratti
29/04/2011, 08:45
Nuove Tecnologie
Cristina Tuve'
29/04/2011, 09:00
Nuove Tecnologie
Diamond was studied as a possible radiation hard technology for use in future high radiation environments. With LHC upgrades expected, all LHC experiments are planning for detector upgrades which require radiation hard technologies. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has now been used extensively in beam conditions monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of...
Paolo De Remigis
29/04/2011, 09:15
Nuove Tecnologie