Gabriele Vajente
27/04/2011, 17:40
Fisica Astroparticellare
The Virgo experiment reached during the past science run a sensitivity very close to the design one. During the last year the detector has been improved suspending the main interferometer mirrors with monolithic fibers, with the goal of reducing the thermal noise contribution. At the same the design of the next detector improvements are on-going and they will bring to the installation of...
Antonio Stamerra
27/04/2011, 18:00
Fisica Astroparticellare
A major boost in the cosmic ray (CR) studies came in the last decades from the experimental effort to investigate the extreme energy region >1 EeV (UHE) of the CR spectrum and the nature of the astrophysical sources responsible for the CR acceleration.
The AUGER observatory provided a clear indication of the attenuation of the CR flux by the GZK effect and yielded puzzling results on the...
Stefano Germani
27/04/2011, 18:20
Fisica Astroparticellare
The last generation of high energy gamma-ray and cosmic-ray space experiments are providing an unprecedented view of the high energy universe allowing continuous progresses in the understanding of astroparticle physics. The main results and future perspectives for Agile, Fermi and Pamela space experiments are presented.
Fiorenza Donato
27/04/2011, 18:40
Fisica Astroparticellare
I will review the main results in the direct detection of dark matter particles and their possible interpretation in terms of Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. I will address also the indirect researches of dark matter through the measurement of its annihilation products in the halo of the Milky Way. Glimpses on the state of the art in the different detection channels will be provided.