Roberto Covarelli
(Univ. INFN Perugia)
27/04/2011, 11:05
The analysis of data collected by the CMS experiment in 2010 (equivalent to an integrated luminosity of 40 pb-1) has yielded several physics results concerning the production mechanisms of heavy flavors at the unprecedented center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.
Recostruction techniques of heavy-flavored particles will be shown, with particular focus on the triggers expressly designed to select...
Cecilia Tarantino
(Rome University, "Roma Tre")
27/04/2011, 11:45
I review the status of the theoretical predictions in the Heavy Flavor Sector.
I focus on the observables of interest for new and next future experiments, discussing both perturbative and non-perturbative uncertainties.
Elisa Manoni
(INFN Perugia)
27/04/2011, 12:05
We present some of the most recent results from the analysis of the full dataset collected by the BaBar experiment. They include searches for rare decays in the charm sector, the latest news from the bottomonium spettroscopy and from the analysis of the data sample collected above the Y(4S) mass.