Massimiliano Uslenghi
(INFN Pavia)
27/04/2011, 19:20
Dottorandi e Posters
The signature characterized by 2 leptons and missing energy offers a very promising venue for the discovery and measurement of Supersymmetry at the LHC.
We present the results of an analysis based on this signature, performed with the data collected in 2010 by the ATLAS experiment.
Special emphasis is given to a technique called 'flavour subtraction', which allows a good control of the...
Nicola Orlando
(INFN Lecce)
27/04/2011, 19:21
Dottorandi e Posters
Charmonium studies at hadronic colliders are of interest for probing the still unclear production mechanisms and testing the various theoretical models. The large statistics of J/Psi recorded by the ATLAS detector allows for differential cross section measurements, potentially sensitive to the dominant production processes. The 2010 proton-proton ATLAS data have been used to measure the...
Fabio Colamaria
(INFN Bari)
27/04/2011, 19:22
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Andrea Agostinelli
27/04/2011, 19:23
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The performance of the ALICE Time Of Flight detector (TOF) are presented, based on the 2010 data taking. Hardware status, efficiency, time resolution and PID capability are shown and compared with the design values. First results both in p+p (0.9 and 7 TeV) and Pb+Pb (2.76 TeV) are reported.
Alessandro Rossi
27/04/2011, 19:24
Dottorandi e Posters
We show prospects for research of invisible decays of B meson in a sample of about 470 millions BBbar pairs recorded with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II B factory. The Standard Model predictions for a B decay with completely invisible final products (or with a single photon as detectable particle) are far from the current experimental sensitivities but several New Physics Models predict...
Susanna Costanza
27/04/2011, 19:25
Dottorandi e Posters
Significant progresses in fundamental questions of hadronic and nuclear physics could be attained by the PANDA experiment, that will be installed at the international FAIR facility in the site of the GSI laboratory (Darmstadt, Germany). Taking advantage of the physics potential available using the highintensity, phasespace cooled antiproton beams provided by the highenergy storage ring...
Stefano Davini
(INFN Genova)
27/04/2011, 19:26
Dottorandi e Posters
L'esperimento Borexino e' in presa dati da maggio 2007 ed e' l'unico esperimento in grado di misurare in tempo reale il flusso di neutrini solari di bassa energia (MeV o inferiore al MeV). Recentemente ha realizzato la misura del flusso dei neutrini del Be7 con elevata precisione (5%), migliorando sensibilmente l'accuratezza della misura gia' pubblicata da Borexino stesso.
Nella presentazione...
Patrizia Barria
27/04/2011, 19:27
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Cesare Calabria
27/04/2011, 19:28
Dottorandi e Posters
The first measurement of the Z -> tautau cross-section in the mu-taujet, e-taujet, e-mu and mu-mu final states is presented. The data collected in 2010 with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 36 pb-1. The cross section has been measured to be in good agreement with the next-to-next-to- leading order QCD...
Luca Perrozzi
(Università di Padova)
27/04/2011, 19:30
Dottorandi e Posters
Bose-Einstein correlations between identical particles are measured in samples of proton-proton collisions at 0.9 and 7 TeV centre-of-mass energies, recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The signal is observed in the form of an enhancement of number of pairs of same-sign charged particles with small relative momentum. The dependence of this enhancement on kinematic and topological...
Roberta Volpe
(INFN Perugia)
27/04/2011, 19:31
Dottorandi e Posters
The results of searches for new physics in events with two same-sign isolated leptons, hadronic jets, and missing transverse energy in the final state are presented. The searches use an integrated luminosity of 35/pb of pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The observed numbers of events agree with the standard model predictions, and...
andrea lucaroni
(Universita' degli Studi di Perugia & INFN)
27/04/2011, 19:32
Dottorandi e Posters
First measurement of the underlying activity in proton-proton collisions at √s =7TeV compared with 900 GeV is presented, using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2009/2010. The Multiple Parton Interaction rate, the main component of the Underlying Event activity, and its energy dependence is studied measuring the charged multiplicity and the charged energy density in a region...
Vito Antonelli
(Universita' degli Studi di Milano)
27/04/2011, 19:33
Dottorandi e Posters
Very high intensity accelerator neutrino beams are becoming available. Designed for experiments investigating neutrino mixing and leptonic CP violation, the will offer, at the same time, the opportunity to perform precision tests of the Standard Model and extract values of the parameters (Weinberg angle) in the medium and low energy region, checking the consistency with the high energy data...
Dario Nicolosi
27/04/2011, 19:34
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Simone Brazzale
(Università di Udine)
27/04/2011, 19:35
Dottorandi e Posters
The production of W-bosons in pp-collisions is charge symmetric. At the LHC the asymmetry is theoretically very well predicted and can be used as an input to the measurement of the production cross-section of W-bosons in association with other particles for final states in which the contribution from other processes is largely charge symmetric. We describe the use of this method to measure...
Antonio Policicchio
27/04/2011, 19:36
Dottorandi e Posters
A number of extensions of the Standard Model result in neutral and weakly-coupled particles that decay to multi hadrons or multi leptons with macroscopic decay lengths. These particles with decay paths that can be comparable with ATLAS detector dimensions represent, from an experimental point of view, a challenge both for the trigger and for the reconstruction capabilities of the ATLAS...
Alberto Mengarelli
27/04/2011, 19:37
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In questo report verra' presentata la misura della sezione durto inclusiva di produzione del bosone Z osservato bel canale di decadimento in due elettroni ad una energia pari a sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in collisioni protone-protone. La misura e' stata effettuata con i dati raccolti dall'esperimento ATLAS ad LHC corrispondenti ad una luminosita' integrata di circa 34 pb-1.
Michele Cascella
27/04/2011, 19:38
Dottorandi e Posters
Angela Romano
(University of Birmingham)
27/04/2011, 19:39
Dottorandi e Posters
The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS aims to collect about 100 events of the ultra rare Kaon decay K+ → π+ ννbar, with a Signal to Background (S/B) ratio of 10:1. The main purpose is the measurement of the Branching Ratio of the decay with a 10% accuracy. NA62 will use an unseparated charged beam with Kaon decays in flight technique. Pions and protons cannot be separated efficiently from Kaons...
Kristian Piscicchia
27/04/2011, 19:40
Dottorandi e Posters
The AMADEUS experiment aims to perform dedicated precision studies in the sec- tor of low-energy kaon-nuclei interaction at the DAΦNE collider at LNF-INFN. In particular, the experiment plans to perform measurements of the so-called (very debated) deeply bound kaonic nuclei and, if existent, to measure their properties (binding energies and widths) by using the process of stopped kaons in...
Alberto Graziano
27/04/2011, 19:41
Dottorandi e Posters
The current status and future prospects for SM Higgs boson searches in the H → ZZ(∗) → 4e (e = e, µ) channel with the CMS detector are presented. The whole analysis strategy for rejecting the backgrounds while keeping very high signal efficiencies is discussed, with a particular emphasis on the usage of data-driven techniques and on the estimation of systematic uncertainties. Preliminary...
Roberta Cardinale
27/04/2011, 19:42
Dottorandi e Posters
Lo studio del canale di decadimento B± → p¯p a LHCb offre l’opportunità sia di osservare stati del charmonio in p¯p sia di misurare possibili effetti di violazione CP nel Dalitz plot. Nella presentazione verrà descritta la strategia utilizzata per la selezione degli eventi a LHCb. Verranno quindi discussi alcuni risultati preliminari sulla sensitività attesa nelle varie misure di interesse...
Valentina Giordano
27/04/2011, 19:43
Dottorandi e Posters
The KM3Net consortium aims at the construction of an underwater research infrastructure hosting a telescope for high energy neutrino located in the Mediterranean sea.
The telescope performance, which consists in the estimate of the sensitivity and discovery fluxes, is estimated by means of Monte Carlo simulations.
Moreover, different statistical analysis can be applied in order to analyze...
Stefano Takekawa
(INFN Torino)
27/04/2011, 19:45
Dottorandi e Posters
Il processo Drell-Yan puo' essere utilizzato per avere accesso alle funzioni di struttura del nucleone dipendenti dal momento trasverso dei partoni (TMD PDF), come le funzioni di Boer-Mulders, di Sivers e la funzione di trasversita'. Le informazioni, ottenute dallo studio di eventi Drell-Yan, permettono un confronto con le evidenze provenienti da esperimenti di diffusione profondamente...
(PhD student)
27/04/2011, 19:46
Dottorandi e Posters
ARGO-YBJ is an extensive air shower detector located at the Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet, China) at 4300 m a.s.l. IT is made by a full coverage carpet plus a guard ring (total surface ~6700 m2) of Resistive Plate Chambers grouped into 153 units called "clusters". The experiment has continually worked since November 2007 recording events with an energy threshold of ~ 300GeVs and with...
Stefano Levorato
27/04/2011, 19:47
Dottorandi e Posters
I rivelatori di fotoni a gas basati su MPGD (MicroPattern Gaseous Detector) rappresentano la nuova generazione di rivelatori di fotoni basati sul principio dei contatori a gas.
In questo contributo si relaziona sullo stato di un programma di R&D dedicato allo studio degli aspetti di principio e dell'ingegnerizzazione di contatori basati su Thick GEM (THGEM), moltiplicatori di elettroni...