Gianluca Cavoto
27/04/2011, 14:05
Nuove Tecnologie
Hadron collider collimation is now a big challenge in view of the future increase of beam currents at LHC. A description of the UA9 experiment at CERN SPS is reported. Its main aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of a new concept of collimation based on a bent crystal able to clean the dangerous beam halo via the crystal channeling effect. Data from tests performed on SPS will be...
Fulvio Tessarotto
27/04/2011, 14:20
Nuove Tecnologie
Vincenzo Patera
27/04/2011, 14:35
Nuove Tecnologie
Maurizio Serluca
(Università degli studi Roma III)
27/04/2011, 14:50
Nuove Tecnologie
The SPARC project is a Free Electron Laser (FEL) at the LNF, Frascati (Italy). It is also the test and training facility for the VUV/soft X-ray FEL project named SPARX. The SPARC FEL is composed by a high brightness photo-injector providing a high-quality electron beam at energies up to 150-200 MeV and an undulator beam line composed by six magnetic undulator sections with variable gap.
Michele Cascella
27/04/2011, 15:05
Nuove Tecnologie