27–29 Apr 2011
Europe/Rome timezone
Gli speakers sono invitati a caricare le slides del proprio talk su Indico

Physics results with the ALICE TOF detector

28 Apr 2011, 17:10
Aula Magna (Perugia)

Aula Magna


Piazza Università 1, 06123 Perugia
Dottorandi e Posters Sessione Dottorandi - II


Barbara Guerzoni (BO)


The ALICE detector collected collisions at LHC at 0.9 and 7.0 TeV c.m.s. with proton-proton and at 2.76 TeV with Lead-Lead. ALICE, compared with other LHC experiments, has several detectors with Particle IDentification (PID) capabilities. Physics results involving PID will be presented both for pp and Pb-Pb interactions, with special emphasis on the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) analysis.

Presentation materials