27–29 Apr 2011
Europe/Rome timezone
Gli speakers sono invitati a caricare le slides del proprio talk su Indico

J/Psi production cross section and non-prompt fraction measurement with the ATLAS detector

27 Apr 2011, 19:21
Aula Magna (Perugia)

Aula Magna


Piazza Università 1, 06123 Perugia
Poster Dottorandi e Posters Sessione Poster


Nicola Orlando (INFN Lecce)


Charmonium studies at hadronic colliders are of interest for probing the still unclear production mechanisms and testing the various theoretical models. The large statistics of J/Psi recorded by the ATLAS detector allows for differential cross section measurements, potentially sensitive to the dominant production processes. The 2010 proton-proton ATLAS data have been used to measure the inclusive double differential cross section as a function of J/Psi transverse momentum and rapidity, in the muon channel. In addition, the fraction of J/Psi coming from long-lived B hadron decays has been determined, thus allowing to extract the direct production cross section. The results and the experimental procedures are presented here with emphasis on the data driven determination of the muon reconstruction efficiency.

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