27–29 Apr 2011
Europe/Rome timezone
Gli speakers sono invitati a caricare le slides del proprio talk su Indico

Analysis strategy for the Higgs boson search in the four lepton nal state in CMS

27 Apr 2011, 19:41
Aula Magna (Perugia)

Aula Magna


Piazza Università 1, 06123 Perugia
Poster Dottorandi e Posters Sessione Poster


Alberto Graziano (TO)


The current status and future prospects for SM Higgs boson searches in the H → ZZ(∗) → 4e (e = e, µ) channel with the CMS detector are presented. The whole analysis strategy for rejecting the backgrounds while keeping very high signal efficiencies is discussed, with a particular emphasis on the usage of data-driven techniques and on the estimation of systematic uncertainties. Preliminary results from analyses on the real data collected so far are also shown.

Presentation materials