We present a full analysis of the seven years of quasi-continuous LIDAR data
taken during those nights when the MAGIC telescopes were operating. Characterization of the nocturnal ground layer yields zenith and azimuth angle dependent aerosol
extinction scale heights for clear nights. We derive aerosol transmission statistics for light emitted from various altitudes throughout the year and...
The Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes are a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). IACTs make calorimetric use of the Earth’s atmosphere, which allows them to reach large effective areas, but also makes them strongly dependent on the quality of the atmosphere at the time of the observations. Dust intrusions or clouds obscuring the...
Every large world-class observatory must operate in a very dark environment that is as free as possible of anthropogenic sources of light pollution, which can degrade the quality of ground-based astronomical observations. Any LIDAR is able to measure, and subtract from its laser return signals, a corresponding contribution from the night-sky brightness. Our elastic LIDAR system is operated in...
The ARCADE Raman Lidar (RL) has been installed at ORM in October 2018 for the pre-production phase of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The RL has collected vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties and water vapour two times a day, at sunrise and sunset, in automatic and unattended mode. Although the on-site services have been less than scheduled, mainly because the COVID-19 outbreak,...
Cloud features above the Pierre Auger Observatory (Mendoza Province, Argentina) produce significant effects on the reconstruction of Extensive Air Showers.
In this work, we present seasonal variations of cloud-base height, cloud coverage, and correlation between different sites using the information of elastic multiangle lidar data.
This system locates the presence of clouds by measuring...
The Raman lidar (RL) at the Central (Raman) Laser Facility (CRLF) of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, has been operational since September 2013.
In this talk, the Auger RL performances are discussed in terms of the data quality for the assessment of the aerosol contribution to the atmospheric UV optical transparency, and how much this is important for the reconstruction of the UHECR...