Maura Pavan(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
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Double Beta Decay is probably the only process we can investigate to understand it neutrino is a Majorana particle, if lepton number is violated and ultimately to find a solution for the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. CUPID is a next generation Double Beta Decay experiment based on scintillating bolometers. The already developed CUORE infrastructure will become the site in which the new detector will be installed. The technology, successfully tested in Laboratory Nazionali del Gran Sasso by CUPID-0 and in Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane by CUPID-Mo, will provide the rejection capability that allows to reduce the background by two orders of magnitude with respect to CUORE one. This result will be achieved using enriched LMO crystals for the study of the 100Mo. The estimated discover sensitivity of CUPID for the effective neutrino Majorana mass is of the order of 20 meV.