05–09 set 2022
Europe/Rome fuso orario

A novel method for the Sky Localisation of Unmodeled Gravitational-Waves using Coherent Null-Energy Maps cleaned with a Spherical Convolutional Auto-encoder

Non in programma


Hotel Ariston Via Laura, 13, 84047 Paestum SA


Sig. Wasim Javed (Cardiff University)


The MLy Gravitational-Wave Transient Burst detection pipeline has entered an advanced stage of development in preparation for its debut in O4. A crucial part of the desired low-latency detection is the rapid generation of Sky Localisation maps in order to allow the opportunity for multi-messenger follow-up. We apply a coherent reconstruction of a linear combination of detectors using the $H_{+}$ and $H_{\times}$ polarisation components of the signal. In the null-energy formalism, we construct coherent statistics to perform a glitch-robust analysis for unmodelled gravitational-wave transients. A combination of this along with the incoherent null-energy can be used, by applying a minimum threshold, to highlight a maximum credible region of source origin. Maps generated using this method can be produced quickly ($<<$1s), as is required for the low latency nature of the pipeline. This method produces a noisy sky map, which is then passed through a denoising autoencoder in order to achieve a clean output. Since such sky localisation maps are spherical, we have utilised spherical Convolutional Autoencoder techniques to achieve this.

Autori principali

Sig. Wasim Javed (Cardiff University) Michael Norman Sig. Kyle Willetts (Cardiff University) Sig. Vasileios Skliris (Cardiff University) Prof. Patrick Sutton (Cardiff University)

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