Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Neutrino phenomenology, $(g-2)_{\mu, e}$ with $U(1)$ gauge symmetries in inverse seesaw framework

Jul 8, 2022, 7:05 PM
1h 25m
Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy

Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi
Poster Neutrino Physics Poster Session


Papia Panda (University of Hyderabad)


The proposed work is an extension of Standard Model where we have taken three right-handed heavy neutrinos $(N _{iR})$, three neutral fermions $(S_{iL}) (i=1,2,3)$ to follow inverse seesaw mechanism. Extra two scalar singlets have been introduced to give tiny masses to active neutrinos. Quantum numbers of the particles are taken in such a way that the model can be anomaly free under two local gauge symmetries $U_{B-L}$ and $U(1)_{L_e-L_\mu}$ for explaining neutrino phenomenology successfully. We have also discussed about neutrinoless double beta decay effective mass $(\langle m_{ee} \rangle)$ which has the value well below the current experiment bounds of KamLAND, CUORE etc. The non-unitarity nature of active neutrino mixing matrix has been commented in the work. We have also discussed about electron and muon anomalous magnetic moment with the help of two MeV range gauge bosons $(Z_1$ and $Z_2)$ through neutral current interactions.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

Papia Panda (University of Hyderabad)


Prof. Rukmani Mohanta (University of Hyderabad) Mr Mitesh Kumar Behera (University of Hyderabad) Ms Priya Mishra (University of Hyderabad)

Presentation materials