DS-Mat regular meeting




Darkside Material Meeting Minutes 26/10/2021 (L. Luzzi):


 - Status of the assay campaign (Krzysztof):

  1. Susana uploaded new results of measurements at LSC, which are the final numbers. We will evaluate these new results from neutrons and gammas point of view (Daria and Sam);
  2. Chris: they already received the clevios to measure the alpha, n activity.;
  3. Assay spreadshit updated;
  4. Krzysztof, Roberto and Vicente should meet this week to check what else should be done urgently;
  5. Iza: by the end of the week will send an email with updates about LNGS situation;


- R.A. Neutron budget (Maxim):  Try to understand the source of the current discrepancy between old results and actual ones. Let’s discuss offline with Vicente and Roberto in details about what it’s missing and we will summarize the point next week. Vicente and Iza keep in touch about results Iza sent to sent to Vicente.

- Cryostat and veto materials:

We know that cryostat and veto materials are main players in the radioactive budget. Let’s pospone the specific discussion about cryostat for next week because Sandro didn’t attend the meeting.

- Radiopurity of the Gd oxide nano grains: three samples screened and good results obtained. About other chemical things: PMMA, gd oxide and surfactant (small screening and try to reduce the amount). About the acrylic: the clean acrylic from Juno line will be provided by Yi and sent us as soon as possible; also screened monomer from italian company, just as a backup.

- Cosmogenic veto (Shawn): presentation about cosmogenic veto model, simulation results, instrumentation needed and practicalities to figure out. Clarify if the threshold is low enough to reduce background muons.

- Surface contamination (Grzegorz): in touch offline so everybody knows what it is done. List made of surfaces to investigated, some people decided to be involved creating a task force group with the goal to prepare time schedules and ways to procedure.

Let’s discuss this next week: a list of surfaces that they are now investigating will be presented, and other point discussed, like the cleaning surface procedure.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 17:00 17:10
      Status of the assay campaign 10m
      Speakers: Krzysztof Pelczar (Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University), Vicente Pesudo (CIEMAT)
    • 17:10 17:20
      R.A. neutron budget 10m
      Speaker: Maxim Gromov (SINP MSU)
    • 17:20 17:35
      Cryostat and VETO materials 15m
      Speaker: All
    • 17:35 17:50
      Cosmogenic VETO 15m
    • 17:50 18:00
      Surface contamination 10m
      Speaker: Grzegorz Zuzel (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
    • 18:00 18:05
      AOB 5m