This meeting comes out from the need to a comparison with experts in sectors involved in the construction of the EuPRAXIA-building.

For this reason, the Review Committee is invited to valuate the proposed technical choices and to give an expert opinion concerning the building and system aspects of the project.

The Review Committee is required to give comments and first impressions at once and to compile a report with findings and recommendations within one month.

We invite the Review Panel Members also to give us any useful suggestions for the success of the review.

Members of the Review Panel:

  • Luigi Scibile (CERN) chair
  • Martin Manfredi (CERN)
  • Mario Parodi (CERN)
  • Michele Battistin (CERN)


Zoom meeting

Zoom meeting connection:

link meeting room

ID riunione: 870 3549 1393
Passcode: 049675