17–21 ott 2022
Santa Margherita Ligure
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Registration Form

Informazioni di contatto

NSTAR 2022 benefits from the collaboration with the Association "Science is Cool" (SCOOL), a non-profit Cultural Association that promotes educational activities and scientific events aimed at engaging, at different levels, people with science.
In order to facilitate a large participation at NSTAR 2022, a VAT-free registration fee will be offered to SCOOL members (single annual subscription fee 2 €, that can be paid either online or in cash at the conference).
If you intend to profit from this advantage, at the same time as filling out the indico registration form, you must also subscribe to SCOOL by visiting the site:

After the SCOOL subscription, you will receive the Annual Membership number that will allow you to access all the benefits, including the VAT-free registration to NSTAR 2022.
It is not necessary to wait for this number: please fill the following indico registration form simultaneously to the registration form to SCOOL.

Registration and Fee payment:
before August 31st:
350 euro (no VAT for SCOOL members) or 450 euro (with VAT)
after August 31st:
450 euro (no VAT for SCOOL members) or 550 euro (with VAT)

Students reduced fee (master or PhD):
300 euro (no VAT for SCOOL members) or 380 euro (with VAT)

In the unfortunate case of cancellation of the event, refunding will be guaranteed to those who are associated to SCOOL.
When you fill the indico registration form, you will be asked whether you decided to associate to SCOOL or not.
Do not forget to fill both the following registration form on indico and the SCOOL form on their website.
The registration to the conference will be acknowledged by an e-mail containing the payment instructions and, for SCOOL members, also the SCOOL association number.

La partecipazione a questo evento è moderata
Gli organizzatori dovranno approvare la tua candiatura.