17–21 ott 2022
Santa Margherita Ligure
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Physics Opportunities for Meson Beams

18 ott 2022, 17:00
Santa Margherita Ligure

Santa Margherita Ligure

Baryon structure through meson electroproduction, transition form factors, and time-like form factors Parallel 1


William Briscoe (The George Washington University)


During the past several decades a large quantity of high-quality mesonic photo- and electroproduction data of have been measured at electromagnetic facilities worldwide. By contrast, meson-beam data for these same final states are mostly outdated, largely of poorer quality, or even non-existent. Thus existing meson beam results provide inadequate input to interpret, analyze, and exploit the potential of the new electromagnetic data. To achieve full benefit of these high­-precision electromagnetic data, new high-statistics data from measurements with meson beams, with good angle and energy coverage for a wide range of reactions, are critically needed to advance our knowledge in baryon and meson spectroscopy and other related areas of hadron physics. To address this situation, a state-of-the-art meson-beam facility is needed. This presenation summarizes unresolved issues in hadron physics and outlines the opportunities and advances that are possible with such a facility.

Autore principale

William Briscoe (The George Washington University)


Materiali di presentazione